Every so often, Aaron slaves away at his computer to bring you the finest free mp3s and commentary. Please enjoy the fruits of his labor and let him know he's doing a great job. Most recent post is WALLPAPER, the truly extraordinary FACING NEW YORK side project.
So a couple of weeks ago, !!! came through town on tour. For the Sacramento show, they had our friend Jonno and Dave, along with BRL's own Noah Clark come out and recreate the glory that is "All My Heroes Are Weirdos" live. Homeboys layed down some percussion tracks a few months ago when !!! were recording and this is the glorious result.
And when I was looking for this video, it linked to another video labeled "Noah Clarke interview", which can only be funny too
So we played in LA last Monday night with Socratic and it was great. The only other time we'd ever played the main room was like 2 years ago and there were only 8 people there but one of them was John Philip Theodore for some reason (dude was TALL). Anyway, we were hanging out in the parking lot after Socratic and this crazy old drunk woman rushed outside, bit Noah's nipple, almost got ran over by a car and then crashed face-first into a dumpster as she was chasing us (because we had to run away from her). Security informed us that she was passed out in the alley later on in the night. Awesome
Sunday, May 13, 2007
So remember a few weeks ago when we sat in on a Mandy Moore video shoot? Well well well. Look what we have here
We played a rad show with our friends SECRET STOLEN, POLAR BEARS and THE NEW TRUST in Chico, CA last week. After playing a set, then losing in flag football despite a hefty amount of trick plays, we headed back to the Stolen manor to kick it. When a way-too-drunk guy passed out, I (finally) got an opportunity to play "drunk guy Jenga", where you stick as much shit as possible onto the passed out guy before he wakes up. Luckily he was not dead the whole time, or else it would've been real awkward. Noah threw a shoe at this guy that hit him directly in the face and he didn't even stir. I love Chico.
Seriously, where do we find these people? At a Starbucks in Davis, CA - that's where. I love anyone who will immediately compare themselves to a world record-holder.